8年偵爆犬退休最後一嗅 「最愛大禮」從天而降看哭網友

After more than 8 years of service , explosive detection canine TTirado has officially retired. He was adopted by his handler Keith Gray and will spend retirement at home with his family. Check out this clip of his final bag search and reward!

After more than 8 years of service , explosive detection canine TTirado has officially retired. He was adopted by his handler Keith Gray and will spend retirement at home with his family. Check out this clip of his final bag search and reward!

— Mark Howell (@TSAMedia_MarkH)




Wow…this tweet really took off! doesn’t have a SoundCloud to promote, so I’ll just share some additional pictures of this very photogenic throughout his career.


— Mark Howell (@TSAMedia_MarkH)

TTirad的名字取自在911事件中犧牲的紐約消防員Hector Luis Tirado, Jr,2012年結訓後便開始服務,牠也是美國運輸安全管理局(Transportation Security Administration)服務最久的偵爆犬之一。TTirad退休後被領犬員Keith Gray領養,未來將當隻享受生活的寵物狗,每天在沙發上跟家人膩在一起撒嬌,而Keith Gray目前也正在和新夥伴培養默契,未來將帶著新的偵爆犬繼續在機場服務。


UPDATE: Keith Gray, TTirado’s handler, wanted to share his thanks for the overwhelming support over the last couple days and share some other big news. Check out their video (w/ special guest )!

— Mark Howell (@TSAMedia_MarkH)